Finding a Sugar Land DWI Lawyer Who Will Fight for You

man drinking alcohol stock

Don’t Face a DWI Charge Alone DWI charges are a very serious matter with serious consequences. If it’s your first conviction, it can be a scary issue to face by yourself. Do you or someone you know need a Sugar Land DWI attorney who will fight for their rights? David Hunter is here to help […]

Why are Fort Bend DWI Cases Dismissed?

set the record straight with a fort bend expunction lawyer

Why are Fort Bend DWI Cases Dismissed? Fort Bend DWI lawyers like David Hunter work hard to get you the best outcome possible, whatever your DWI case details. It’s important to note that the best outcome possible depends on each specific case. While it may be possible for one person to achieve complete dismissal, the […]

Checklist: 5 Essential Questions to Ask Your Sugar Land DWI Lawyer

list lines checklist check - david hunter law firm

You need to ask your Sugar Land DWI Lawyer these questions before letting them take your case. Before heading into a consultation with a Sugar Land DWI Lawyer, you’ll want to prepare. Yes, even initial consultations require preparation on both your part and the lawyer’s. When you get to the lawyer’s office, you don’t want […]

Will DWI Affect Child Custody?

dwi affect child custody

Dealing with a separation is already painful. Adding to that, you could be facing a child custody battle. Then you get a DWI and start to panic. What if you lose your kids over this? Could this hurt you in the divorce proceedings? Are you afraid your DWI charges may affect winning custody of your […]

What happens if you get in an accident while drunk?

wrecked car - david hunter law firm

What happens if you get in an accident while drunk? You’re searching the phrase “DWI lawyer Fort Bend” and you can’t believe it. It was just a few drinks and you thought you could manage on your way home. Then you hit that sign and crashed… into another vehicle. On top of the guilt and […]

Where Can I Find a Richmond TX DWI lawyer?

where can i find a richmond tx dwi lawyer? dui attorney

Where Can I Find a Richmond TX DWI lawyer? Richmond TX DWI lawyer In Texas, DWI is defined as any adult over the age of 21 driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or greater. The laws surrounding DWI are strict and you can feel extreme stress if charged. This can effect […]

How to Stay Safe on the Road

best dwi lawyer, best dui lawyer - david hunter law firm

As attorneys who work closely with the families and victims of car accidents in Sugar Land and throughout Houston, we urge drivers to stay safe during holidays. However, if you ever find yourself pulled over, your safest line of defense would be to contact the best DWI lawyer. After all, holidays are a time for […]

Supreme Court Weighs in on Blood Tests Without Warrants

best dui lawyer - david hunter law firm

For years there has been a debate about the Constitutionality of police officers drawing blood without warrants.  It has seemed to go against the 4th amendment of the Constitution which bans unreasonable search and seizure.  Now the Supreme Court has a chance to create a legal precedent about the intrusive practice. The case they are […]

How Much Does A DWI Cost?

how much does a dwi cost?

How Much Does a DWI Cost? DWI lawyer near me is not a phrase you expected to Google in your senior year of high school. But after getting a DWI last weekend you have no choice. As the many options and names fill your screen, you start to wonder about the cost of a DUI. […]

Can Passengers Drink Alcohol in a Car?

open container laws and penalties in texas - driver opening a bottle while behind the wheel of a car

Open container laws have got you thinking. You know you can’t drink and drive, but could you drink while another person drives? Suppose you finished off a beer while your friend drove you home. Is that legal? Or would you get in trouble? If you want to know if passengers can drink alcohol in the […]

Benefits of a DUI Lawyer vs a Court-Appointed Attorney

hire dui lawyer

Benefits of a DWI Lawyer vs a Court-Appointed Attorney Why Choose a DWI Lawyer When it comes to DWI cases, having a dedicated DWI lawyer is essential to winning your case. Above all else, when it comes to handling DUI cases, especially in Fort Bend County, specialized experience matters. While you have a right to […]

What Is BAC? Legal Blood Alcohol Levels in Texas

alcohol level texas - david hunter law firm

If you’ve ever been stopped for a possible DWI you might have heard someone mention BAC. The acronym BAC stands for blood alcohol content. This is how much ethanol (alcohol) is in the bloodstream, and its measurement could potentially harm your DWI case. Read on below to learn more about blood alcohol levels in Texas and how […]

Ignition Interlock Devices Could Save Your Driver’s License

ignition interlock devices

Worried About Losing Your Driver’s License After a DUI/DWI Charge? An ignition interlock device could be the key to not losing your driver’s license after a drunk driving charge. After a DWI charge, it’s normal to feel anxious or concerned about your future. An experienced drunk driving lawyer can put your mind at ease by […]

Second Offense DWI in Texas

alleged victimtexas drunk driving laws - david hunter law firm

Texas is a state where first time DWI offenders can go to jail. Going before the court a second time for a charge of driving while intoxicated is certainly not a matter to be taken lightly. A second DWI in Texas is a Class A misdemeanor with harsh penalties. Criminal Penalties: –          When an individual […]

Felony DWI in Texas

experienced assault attorneytexas drunk driving laws - david hunter law firm

Generally, only your third and subsequent DWI offense results in felony charges in the state of Texas. A standard first offense DWI is a Class B misdemeanor, and a second DWI charge will escalate to a Class A misdemeanor. However, this is not always the case. If you aren’t on your third offense, don’t simply […]