5 Reasons Why You Need a Drug Lawyer Before You’re Charged

criminalist gloves drug lawyer

Don’t Wait to Learn the Facts There’s a common misconception that you only need a drug lawyer after you’ve already been charged with a crime. However, the outcome of a drug possession or trafficking case relies heavily on what transpires at the time of your arrest. This is why it’s vitally important to speak to an […]

Drug Crime Attorney Red Flags to Avoid

drug crime attorney

Drug Crime Attorney Red Flags to Avoid If you have been arrested for a drug charge in the state of Texas, you need a drug crime attorney – and you need one fast. However, you should not take this choice lightly. Hiring a drug crime attorney is a very important decision and one that can […]

What to Do When Your Child Is Facing Juvenile Charges

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Don’t Let Your Child Do This Alone If you or someone you know has a child who is facing juvenile charges, don’t panic. There are several specific and immediate actions can take to keep your child’s case moving in the right direction. We have seen these cases many times and have years of experience in helping families in […]

Can a Drug Charges Lawyer Help with a Possession Charge?

drug possession sugar land attorney

Drug Charges Lawyer If you have been charged with the possession of drugs, you need to contact a drug charges lawyer like David Hunter immediately. In the meantime, it can be helpful to understand what you’re up against. Here are a few things to keep in mind as to what to expect regarding your charges […]

How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost in Texas?

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How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost in Texas? DWI lawyer is a phrase you never expected to see outside the occasional billboard. But after getting a DWI on the way home from your friend’s party, you have no choice but to Google it. As you see the names of lawyers fill the screen you wonder, “What […]