What to Do When You Get Pulled Over for DWI

defense lawyer and criminal justice - david hunter law firm

When an officer pulls you over upon suspicion of driving while intoxicated (DWI), keep in mind that you are under investigation from that moment on. The policeman is trying to determine if you are too drunk to drive the vehicle. Here’s what you need to do to protect yourself: Pull over as smoothly as possible […]

How Long Is DWI Probation

dui probation, best dui lawyer

When facing a DWI probation, you usually don’t know what to expect. In general, the probation depends on the nature of your violation and whether there are other violations on your record. In most cases you could face a maximum sentence for your original conviction. Ultimately, the decision of how to punish your violation belongs […]

Fort Bend DWI Lawyer Can Help Make Things Better For Non-Violent Offenders

fort bend dwi lawyer can help make things better for non-violent offenders

Fort Bend DWI Lawyer Not everyone who gets arrested is a criminal. It is sad that society automatically stigmatizes those charged with crimes as bad people. Few take the time to consider the infinite number of possibilities why a good, hard-working Texan might be in jail. Perhaps it’s mistake. The police thought the accused was […]

What’s the Texas DWI Limit?

texas drunk driving laws - david hunter law firm

You meet a friend at a bar after a tough work week. You drink, have a few laughs, then start to part ways. As you stumble to your car your friend says, “Dude, I don’t think we should be driving. Let me get an Uber.” “Nah,” You say, “we’re probably not even over the Texas DWI limit. We’ll […]

How a Sugar Land DWI Lawyer Can Help with DWI Charges

sugar land dwi lawyer

Find the Help You Need Hiring a Sugar Land DWI lawyer can help save you trouble legal limit for blood/breath alcohol content (BAC) is .08. This means that police can charge you with a DWI (Driving While Impaired) in Fort Bend county if a blood or breath test finds that your BAC is at or […]

How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost in Texas?

accounting blur

How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost in Texas? DWI lawyer is a phrase you never expected to see outside the occasional billboard. But after getting a DWI on the way home from your friend’s party, you have no choice but to Google it. As you see the names of lawyers fill the screen you wonder, “What […]