Felony DWI in Texas

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Generally, only your third and subsequent DWI offense results in felony charges in the state of Texas. A standard first offense DWI is a Class B misdemeanor, and a second DWI charge will escalate to a Class A misdemeanor. However, this is not always the case. If you aren’t on your third offense, don’t simply […]

How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost in Texas?

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How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost in Texas? DWI lawyer is a phrase you never expected to see outside the occasional billboard. But after getting a DWI on the way home from your friend’s party, you have no choice but to Google it. As you see the names of lawyers fill the screen you wonder, “What […]

Holiday Season Reminders

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drunk driving With the holiday season at hand, many of us will be visiting family and relatives, and a lot of us will be using a car to get to those relatives’ houses. Halloween and Thanksgiving are already behind us, and as one of our earlier posts informed you, Thanksgiving was very peaceful when it […]

Arming the issues resulting from DWI accidents & credit cards in Texas

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It is true that if you fall deep into credit card debt, you may have to face some complexities, and may even end up hurting your financial status for the same. However, still there are some options through which you may be able to pay down your credit card debt. For example, you can settle […]