How to Challenge a DWI Blood Test With a Criminal Defense Attorney

drunk driving concept image - tumbler of alcohol with car keys

How to Challenge a DWI Blood Test With a Criminal Defense Attorney Almost 65,000 Texans are arrested for DWI every year. Many of them never see the inside of a courtroom. Believing their DWI blood test results to be unarguable, too many Texans accept plea deals. While these deals may keep them out of court, they do […]

What happens if you get in an accident while drunk?

wrecked car - david hunter law firm

What happens if you get in an accident while drunk? You’re searching the phrase “DWI lawyer Fort Bend” and you can’t believe it. It was just a few drinks and you thought you could manage on your way home. Then you hit that sign and crashed… into another vehicle. On top of the guilt and […]

How to Stay Safe on the Road

best dwi lawyer, best dui lawyer - david hunter law firm

As attorneys who work closely with the families and victims of car accidents in Sugar Land and throughout Houston, we urge drivers to stay safe during holidays. However, if you ever find yourself pulled over, your safest line of defense would be to contact the best DWI lawyer. After all, holidays are a time for […]