Where Can I Find a Richmond TX DWI lawyer?

Richmond TX DWI lawyer

In Texas, DWI is defined as any adult over the age of 21 driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or greater. The laws surrounding DWI are strict and you can feel extreme stress if charged. This can effect your work, physical and mental health and family relationships. As an experienced Richmond DWI attorney, David Hunter understands the devastation such charges can bring and he is here to help you, regardless of whether this is your first or even third DWI charge.

Factors Involved

While the legal limit assuming impairment is consistent, not everyone has has the same physical constitution. The law doesn’t take into account that alcohol won’t react in a 200 pound man as it does in a 120 pound woman. Age and mental state can also make a difference on how a person is influenced by alcohol consumption.

Another factor that is often overlooked is that testing equipment is not always accurate. It is often old and worn, causing inaccurate readings. In addition, the person reading the results is subject to human error. In other words, mistakes can and do happen often.

Another factor that is often overlooked is the errors made while stopping you and asking you to subject yourself to testing. Often over-zealous police officers jump to conclusions too quickly and you get arrested without reason. It is the job of your lawyer to help find these errors and also create a reasonable doubt in regards to whether or not testing was necessary, let alone accurate. A good lawyer will also impose on the court how physical makeup makes a difference as to whether you are drunk or not.

Know the Law

As a Richmond TX DWI lawyer, it is David Hunter’s aim to help you understand the laws you are dealing with and what that means for you. It is also his aim to instill a measure of reasonable doubt in the minds of the court in order to get your case dismissed due to technicality, error or doubt. He understands that in most cases the DWI was an event that came about because you were not physically impaired. He and his staff will stand by you and your family throughout the whole process, providing expert guidance and support.

What About My License?

One thing that most concerns someone charged with DWI is losing their driver’s license. Without a license, it becomes difficult to work and get around as you need to. David Hunter knows how to make saving your license more likely. He believes that the added stress of losing your license can be harmful to your well-being and strives to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Underage Drinking

It used to be that when a teenager did some drinking, the police would call a parent and let the kid go with a simple warning. It became the parent’s duty to impose any punishment for this misbehavior. Today, however, minors are subject to the same treatment as adults in regard to DWI, as well as charges of under-aged drinking. David Hunter knows that kids don’t always use the best judgment. He will work to see if he can either get the charges dropped entirely or expunged from the permanent record. Kids need a chance to grow and not be forever punished by one impulsive act.

Call Anytime

If you’re looking for a Richmond TX DWI lawyer, call the David Hunter Law Firm today at [phone] or fill out my short form.  Calls are answered 24/7 to make sure you are heard as soon as possible. My initial consultation is free.

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Where Can I Find a Richmond TX DWI Lawyer | David Hunter Law Firm