Felony DWI in Texas

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Generally, only your third and subsequent DWI offense results in felony charges in the state of Texas. A standard first offense DWI is a Class B misdemeanor, and a second DWI charge will escalate to a Class A misdemeanor. However, this is not always the case. If you aren’t on your third offense, don’t simply […]

Texas Field Sobriety Test

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If you are pulled over for a possible DWI in Texas, you will have to take a field sobriety test. A variety of tests is available that you will be asked to complete.  You should be aware of them and their varying degrees of accuracy. The first is the one-leg stand test.  This is a […]

Don’t Blow It When It Comes to a DWI in Texas

:don't blow it when it comes to a dwi in texas

DWI in Texas & the 5th Amendment When it comes to getting a DWI in Texas, the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation, Department of Public Safety, and distinguished Law Enforcement personnel would all very much like you to believe that you are required to take a breathalyzer test during this type of traffic […]

Texas Considering Creation of DWI Lite

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Texas Considering Creation of DWI “Lite” Drinking and driving is never a good idea.  Soon it may be an even worse idea in Texas.  Austin police chief Art Acevedo has given his support for the creation of a DWI “lite” classification for drivers that have a BAC of .05 to .07.  For some drivers, this […]

How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost in Texas?

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How Much Does a DWI Lawyer Cost in Texas? DWI lawyer is a phrase you never expected to see outside the occasional billboard. But after getting a DWI on the way home from your friend’s party, you have no choice but to Google it. As you see the names of lawyers fill the screen you wonder, “What […]

Texas prosecutor suggests reducing DWI fatalities with sobriety checkpoints

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A recent topic of debate in Texas has been whether or not police should be allowed to operate random checkpoints on highways to discourage drunken driving, according to a DWI prosecutor. 38 states currently allow law enforcement officials to set up these sobriety checkpoints, but Texas is not yet one of them, said W. Clay […]